
I’m Christina Donoghue, an enchanting creature of mixed raced origin. Born in the suburbs of Sydney I am all that, and more. A mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and artist, a writer, an actor, a receptionist, a journalist, choreographer, personal assistant, manager, granddaughter, student, lover, and a bitch.  I’ve been labelled all these things, but of them I am few.  For the purpose of these pages I am curious. This blog was initially born of my years at The University of Wollongong (UOW) and cover topics in Creative Writing, Communications and Media, Digital Media, Arts, Photography, Audio and Film.

As it’s to sad to let all that good stuff to go to waste & I need a new home to discuss my ongoing research, this will be as good a place as any.

My continuing research started with my BCA Honours in 2019 and will continue into the field this year in 2020. I look forward too engaging with as many students and academics as possible to grow this yet unexplored field within the context of contemporary Australia.

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